The prize is:

Facial Scrub w/ Organic Liquid Soap Set:
Pamper your face with all natural
* apricot kernel meal
* organic liquid castile soap
Mix in the palm of your hand & then apply to your face. A wonderful exfoliate!
The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti’s Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Nature's Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal
Garden Chick - Where the winners from week #2 will be listed :-)
SunRose Aromatics
eep coming back and keep entering. We have some great prizes coming up, and we'll be having the contests til the middle of May!
Very nice! I'd like to win.
Come on men, post a comment - you know this would be a pleasant price to receive!
andy *-at-* extracted (.) org
Boy am I having fun chasing this giveaway around! Would love to win, and I'm enjoying visiting many of you for the first time as well. Will bookmark your blog!
i won the prize last week from your awesome site and i just wanted to thank you and give you a hug! :)
Oh, I would love to win. Enter me too please.
danelle UNDERSCORE 27 AT yahoo DOT com
Great giveaway. Great products. Great idea.
How fun this giveaway is - please enter me in your drawing...thanks.
Wonderful! Please count me in. Thank you so much!
Beautiful, lovely products. Add my name please.
galynn92347 at yahoodotcom
Thanks for the opportunity to try such a wonderful sounding product.
I'd love to welcome spring with a fresh new face. ;>
I'd love to be entered! Thank you --- this set looks yummy for the face!
What fun! Come for the info and perhaps win a prize. :)
Sounds wonderful! Please enter me.
I am so confused! I signed up for this before, but I don't think I am getting my email notices. And now Twitter! There must be a oil to inhale or bathe in or swallow, because I feel so very Alice in Wonderland, these days.
Deni, the way this works... each of the blogsites hosting it draw one name on Thursday night (dice roll, random number, whatever) and forward the winner to the owner of the website hosting that week's contest. So she (or he) will have perhaps 12 gifts to mail. I forward our winner's email to the 'host' and she notifies the winner from each site, gets their mailing address, and sends their prize.
If you look at some of the replies, you'll see people left versions of an email address so they can be contacted (or they have it linked to their ID page.)
ie, if I were to post on someone else's page of the contest, I'd probably use something like:
marge at naturesgiftdotcom for the email address. (So the spam harvesters can't just scoop it up.)
Your email isn't on this, so if you are drawn, how do we contact you?
Hi Marge!
I subscribed and I receive updates to the postings by email. Does that allow you to also contact me by email? I am just trying to think of a better way than putting my email here.
Deni, I saw your subscription to the "blog update" list come in, so I can email you at that address, or, rather, forward your email to the 'host of the week' to contact you.
But in most cases, it's really better to 'disguise' the address the way some of the entrants have.
Spammers don't bother manually hunting for email addresses. Computers scan for so if you disguise it ... they won't pick it up. Using the word AT instead of an @ is enough.
And the winner was Gail..
response number nine.
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