Not long ago we were contacted by a woman in Maryland. Her hospital had received a grant from the Susan G. Komen Center, for a wellness/recovery program from women undergoing treatment for, or recovering from Breast Cancer. When I saw the words "For Mind, Body and Spirit" on the flyer, I knew that we had to have a part in it. She wrote asking for quotations, wanting to give each participant 5 mls of Lavender Oil, with a very limited budget. I knew if I quoted our wholesale pricing, we would be underpriced. (I saw the list of the companies she had asked to quote.)
But we REALLY wanted to be a part of this. So, rather than try to submit a "winning quote" we simply decided to donate the oils. This week, the last of 65 bottles of our Organic Bulgarian Lavender left for Maryland.
We are truly excited to be a part of this wonderfully supportive program.
Here's part of a press release we are drafting to send to some of the local papers, in hopes that someday such supportive programs will be available to the women of Middle Tennessee:
Nature's Gift was pleased to donate pure, organic clinical grade Lavender Oil as a part of the Self Care Kit given each participant. "We have seen our essential oils used in numerous research studies and case histories, among them various studies dealing with cancer treatments and the side effects of such treatments. It is a delight to be able to make the oils available in a "real life" rather than a research situation. We wait for the day that such support programs are available here in Middle Tennessee" said Marge Clark, founder and President of Nature's Gift.
The participants in the program are being advised that essential oils are a powerful plant based ancient healing modality. Lavender is an extremely versatile and safe oil that can be used to enhance sleep and relaxation, decrease stress, to soothe skin after radiation or other trauma, and to ease pain. They will be taught various methods of using this most popular and useful essential oil.
“A diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer impacts not only the physical body but the emotional and spiritual being. Our Komen Breast Cancer Wellness Program allows us to deliver free support services and programs that care for the whole person,” said Robin Luxon, Vice President, Clinical Services, Upper Chesapeake Health. . The program will involve a “Caring for Me” support program, exercise programs, support services including aromatherapy for mind, body and spirit during active treatment and recovery, support groups, nutritional services, and genetic counseling.
The new “Caring for Me” program includes an individual consultation with a board certified holistic care physician. Participants will receive a customized treatment plan covering diet, exercise, counseling, energy healing, environmental and personal care products, appropriate use of supplements, and stress reduction. Weekly Yoga and Tai Chi classes will be offered along with C.A.R.E.S. (Cancer Activity and Rehabilitative Exercise for Survivors), an 8-week individual exercise program facilitated by a trained physical therapist. Women living with breast cancer who are in active treatment or recovery can take advantage of individual massage therapy, acupuncture, or Reiki treatments. A bi-monthly healing touch support group offers biofield therapy to restore harmony and balance.
Dear Marge, I would never expect anything less from you.
Paula Wagner
How wonderful for you to donate those oils! Your generosity will come back in blessings for you.
I've always thought Nature's Gift an appropriate name for your company- and your gift to this project demonstrates it: generosity, gentleness, compassion and beauty, all from nature and Mother Earth. Blessings to all who worked to make this possible.
Bless your hearts, all of you, and thank you. There are just some projects that we *want* to have a part in, you know?
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