In a Facebook group a long time ago, someone talked about finding a new supplier, and buying a dozen oils for her first
I cringed, and I had to comment... because when exploring a new
supplier (even Nature's Gift!) it only makes sense to start slowly.
DON'T order a dozen oils as your first time purchase... order one or two
oils.. and preferably ones that you are already familiar with so you have an idea of what they should smell like. AND,
when ordering, request samples! Most reputable companies will allow
them – either for free or for purchase. You do NOT have to buy full
sized bottles to see if you like something.
Let's say you are
going to investigate companies 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Company 1: order.. (Picking oils at random here) citrus sinensis (sweet
orange)...and request samples of .. mentha piperita, (peppermint),
Cedrus atlantica, (Atlas Cedarwood,) Anthemis nobilis (Roman Chamomile).
From Company 2: you order the Peppermint, and request samples of Sweet orange, Atlas Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile.
Company 3: order the Atlas Cedarwood and get samples of the others.
This will give you, for a minimal investment, a range of 4 oils from
different known suppliers.. and you can test them
aromatically yourself and see if you have a preference.
YES, you'll pay, proportionally, more shipping by
ordering only one oil rather than a dozen... but the point of this
exercise is educating yourself. Think of the additional shipping charges as tuition in your aromatic education.
Does this make sense? It truly is the
BEST way to acquaint yourself with new suppliers.
ALWAYS request samples. if a company won't allow you to sample.. I would not buy from them.
Some companies have samples for sale at reasonable prices, some offer them for free.
When you have read about a new oil and are interested in trying it, don't jump in and order 15 mls without experiencing it first. Find a supplier or two or three who offer it and request samples. In most cases there will be small difference between batches, and you can see if you are drawn to the oil or if your reactions is, "No, I don't THINK so!"
One last thought - TAKE NOTES!. I have some small samples on my desk, with a product name, but no producer's name. Lovely samples, but I have no idea of the source, so I can't order. Partially the supplier's fault for not putting their contact information on their label, but also partially my fault for not listing what they were, who they were from, and my reaction the day I opened them.
Thank you great information...lve often thought samples would help...l was with YL but it was blind shopping...l will be shopping here