Along with many others, we are helping with an aroma community-wide effort spearheaded by the United Aromatherapy Effort, Inc. The goal: reach out and help those devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Aromatherapist Amy Kreydin of the Barefoot Dragonfly is coordinating their effort in Texas.
Amy's article concerning the effort explains more.…/
This is not affiliated with any particular brand or company. The United Aromatherapy Effort formed their first mobile team during the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. If you would like to help, we're more than happy to have you. In fact, we need you!

We must ask that you PLEASE DO NOT TAG AMY. She is overwhelmed at the moment and needs to keep her attention on tasks at hand. Many are working alongside her to compile a “wish list” which can be shared and can be worked from to fill recognized needs.
Please join the United Aromatherapy Effort, Inc group ( for updates, to stay current on the needs and efforts and to lend your support.
If you are long distance and wish to contribute, donations of money and aromatherapy supplies are ideal and much needed. Here's how to get those into Amy's hands.
• Purchasing grocery store gift cards, diapers, formula, medications and other immediately needed supplies to put into the hands of those offering direct aid. Even one dollar helps!
Send donations through Paypal Friends & Family option to:
** Please make sure to use the Friends & Family option when sending money through PayPal so no fees are incurred **
• blank inhalers
• single essential oils to formulate generic blends
• generic essential oil blends (Ex: trauma, respiratory, energizing, relaxing, calming, sedative, purifying) ** Please include safety info and complete ingredients lists for all pre-made blends **
• rollerball bottles supplies (empty rollerball bottles, carrier oils with long shelf life)
• blank labels to label products being made
• disposable pipettes
• packaging supplies may be needed for products
• personal hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, etc.)
• herbal preparations, teas, bulk herbs, etc.
Send donated supplies to:
The Barefoot Dragonfly
7601 Pheasant Rock Road
Austin, TX 78729
Amy needs volunteers and helping hands on several fronts. If you are local to the Austin, Tx area, she could use your help in some way.
• Assemble kits at her studio this week (see blog post linked above)
• Print labels for aromatherapy products, inhalers, etc. being assembled in her studio this week
• Help coordinate efforts in the area and specifically assist with Amy's current growing list
• Gather, pack and deliver supplies
• Drivers and/or help locating drivers to take goods from Austin to shelters in Houston and down the coast over the next couple of weeks
• Other ??
These are on-the-ground and in the trenches assistance efforts. Every single penny donated, every single item, product and supplies given will go to those who need it. We are a healing therapy community that seeks to help others heal emotionally and physically. It's what we do!
Bottom line: the need is great and ongoing. While immediate needs are the current focus, recovery from this historical disaster will go on for months. Resources will likely need to be replenished multiple times during the healing and rebuilding process. If you can't help right now, we certainly understand. Perhaps you can help later on, when it's no longer a big news story and the cameras have stopped rolling.
Thank you for reading all the way through and joining us in the united effort to help Texas heal.