Monday, January 13, 2020

"It can't be..."

 Rachel was out of the office today so I ended up fielding the phone calls.  An interesting day.  I don't know why people insist on blocking their phone number and name when they call.

"You have Balsam Fir Essential Oil?"

Yes, Canadian, from an Organic producer.

"What does organic mean for an essential oil?"

The question rather took me aback.  "In this case it was produced by a USDA Certified Organic producer." 

"Oh.  Well,  yours can't be real."

Excuse me?  Why would you say that?

"Because [fill in the blank of your favorite multilevel marketing company] charges $78.00 for theirs, how can you sell it for $10.00????"

Because I don't have massive numbers of downlinks to pay off? 

"How do you know yours is real?"

"Because I buy it direct from the distiller, in Canada, and have upon occasion had their oils laboratory tested to make sure they were what they should be."

"Well, they can't be the real thing at that price."  Click, and she was gone

I can't help wondering if we were to quintuple the price whether we might sell more?


  1. please no, do not raise your price because of "them", it only seems like their clients are starting to wonder, greed took this country down,and MLM are not immune :) Love your oils and have faith on the quality and price

  2. please no, do not raise your price because of "them", it only seems like their clients are starting to wonder, greed took this country down,and MLM are not immune :) Love your oils and have faith on the quality and price

  3. Let them pay 'so and so' as much as they want! Obviously they have more money than brains. I personally prefer to purchase from suppliers that don't rip their customers off! Keep up the great work and don't change on account of them.

  4. Ack, no! I've had questions and a series at Whole New Mom resonated with me. I was introduced to your company by my doctor in Coppell, Tx. So glad to know about you and am trying to decide what to order.

  5. Ack, no! I've had questions and a series at Whole New Mom resonated with me. I was introduced to your company by my doctor in Coppell, Tx. So glad to know about you and am trying to decide what to order.

  6. Tabitha, I've read through that whole series of blog posts...and while I do believe the author means well, I see a LOT of 'misinformation' posted, even in her final 'recommendation'...where she talks about, for example, " They use no solvents for distillation except when necessary, as in the case of absolutes like vanilla and jasmine (since the cost of those essential oils is otherwise prohibitive.)" not prohibitive...not POSSIBLE...not every botanical can be distilled. period.

    or her comments on Bergamot: "The only exception is Bergamot, which they sell 2 versions of. The FCF Bergamot is heated after the distillation to burn off the furocoumarin since furcoumarin is photo-toxic."... no. coldpressed bergamot is phototoxic. DISTILLED bergamot does not contain the purocoumarins. again, she is confused on many of the details.

    I am so glad Nina referred you to us!!!! We're glad you found us... and please tell her hello for us!

  7. Pretty funny. I had my first introduction to essential oils last summer through a friend of a friend who's got a home business with one of the MLMs. I've gotten some real relief from some physical problems, but I was also going broke, and I've been discretely looking around for a better way of doing things. I've also learned the hard way that applying oils neat isn't such a great idea.

    Anyhow, I just found your site this evening while doing a search for a couple of items and I love the way you write thing up, Marge. I just placed my first order, so thanks for all the information you provide.

  8. Anon, that's interesting. I'd love to follow up on your comment about using the oils neat...because whenever I suggest there can be bad results from neat use, I am told that's because people are using adulterated oils... it's PERFECTLY safe with their pure oils... uhuh, yep, sure it is. I'd love to hear more details about your experience...and what your friend who is a distributor had to say about it. When we say 'less is more' and 'don't take them internally' we have good reasons. And the warning apply even more to PURE oils than to diluted.

  9. Marge, I'm the same Anon who wrote on the 11th. I have trouble with chronic migraines and this woman I met who sells the MLM oils had suggestions about using peppermint and lavender at the base of the skull and the temples. It helped me some but not enough. A roll-on blend the company sells was ineffective for me. A company website where users write in mentioned a number of other oils that might be effective , and I came up with a couple of combinations that worked fairly well for me: basil-peppermint-lavender, and marjoram-lemongrass-peppermint. But I was still doing them neat. After several months the skin where I've been applying the oils suddenly became sore and itchy. I actually haven't talked to my contact person for a couple of months. The general view seems to be that most people can handle neat applications unless they have very sensitive skin. If they do, they can apply it to the bottoms of their feet or they can dilute it. Of course it sells more oil that way.

    I received an order from you a couple of days ago including some of those little plastic inhalers. I've set up a couple according to the instructions and they seem to be working pretty well for me.

  10. Anon, I just saw your msg from mid March..I'm sorry. YES.. you have experienced what often happens with used the product neat for a period of time...and then all of a sudden.. you couldn't any more. And I would suspect the even in proper dilution you will still react. I'm sensitized to Lavender from unwise neat any dilution I will break out if it touches my skin. These people teaching neat use are EITHER painfully ignorant and misinformed...or so greedy they don't CARE that they are putting you at risk. I would LOVE to hear what your 'supplier' has to say about the reaction to the oils.

  11. Me too, one of my "friend" starting to sell Doterra, after I told her what I thought about it, and she is telling people I know to use internally and undiluted, Marge we talked on the phone for 30 minutes once and told you about slim&sassy use, I am so frustrated, people with no experience in aromatherapy should not be allowed to sell EO. It should be regulated like massage therapists
