Thursday, May 15, 2008

Book Reviews

New (to me!) Books of Note:

for those inflicted with the recurring pain of Migraines:

Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches by Teri Robert. An amazingly complete guide to dealing with Migraine Disease. Ms. Roberts helps us understand side effects, explores treatments for long-term relief, thoroughly explains the risks and symptoms, identifies different types of headaches; (Migraine is one one type of disabling headache!), explores traditional and alternative therapies (including, of course, my beloved essential oils), gives guidance on finding the appropriate health care providers and support, as well as including case studies and expert advice.

Ms. Roberts suggests that the judicious use of essential oils may relieve the nausea that often accompanies a migraine, as well as help ease the pain of the migraine itself. She mentions a commercial product that is based on a diluted blend of Lavender and Peppermint oils, in a carrier oil. Packaged in a "rollerball" bottle, this blend would be ideal for applying to the temples, and lavender and peppermint are the most commonly recommended essential oils for relieving the pain of any type headache.
As well as Lavender and Peppermint, Ms Roberts also recommends Chamomile (I'd suggest Roman), Clary Sage, Melissa, Jasmine, and Rosemary for use, either diluted for massage, or in a diffuser.

For the Herbalist :

Whether you are a herb gardener, someone who uses herbs for their healing benefits, or a gourmet cook, adding fresh and dried herbs to all sorts of yummies, you NEED a copy of Under the Sun - the First Five Years. The Essential Herbal Magazine is must reading for any one interested in any uses of herbs. Tina Sams, the world's most delightful editor, has compiled a charming book based on the first five years worth of issues from the magazine (most now out of print and unavailable elsewhere!)

Over 200 pages of growing tips, wild-crafting, yummy recipes, first aid, traditional uses, suggestions on starting an herb business... this book covers it all. Plus while browsing through its pages I feel as though I'm sitting across the kitchen table from Tina and some other friends, sharing what works, what doesn't, laughter and tears over... a cup of herb tea, of course! Only available from the magazine's website.

1 comment:

  1. I have found for myself, Chamomile relieves many physical pain symptoms.

    Not too long ago I had an extraordinary painful toothache in which I heavily diffused Roman Chamomile essential oil.

    I would say, while in the area being diffused, the pain was reduced by 30-40%.

    I will take a close look at your book recommendations. They look very interesting.
