A lot of you remember the excitement almost a year ago when my two sons presented me with two grandsons within two weeks of each other. We posted baby pictures of the newborne cousins on the website. This Christmas we were able to get all six of the grands together for a long visit. Here's a shot of the two cousins. Leif's chosen toy of the evening was Grandma's bottle of water. Jack's chosen toy was Leif!

Lest I be accused of favoritism...Jack's brother Josh (who will be 4 in April) and Leif's big sister Chelsea are here too.
Hi Marge,
I do see your children in your grandchildren's faces. I do remember your children.
Ruth Shapiro
Hard to believe that both my boys are 40... and that Mark must be too!
I have so much trouble figuring out who looks like who, tho. JT, Tom's eldest (just turned 13!) is going to be a heart-breaker. A really good looking young'un. He has his Uncle David and Jen's height, may turn out to be as tall as David. (Who claimes 6'7" but I think is closer to 6'10"! Kaitlinn is going to be "average" height, I think, and looks more like her Dad than anyone...except for the red hair. (We don't know how we got two redheads in that family!) Josh (the almost 4 year old) is tiny and slim. Jack and Leif, the two babies are both tall, Jack's heavier I think.
It is so good to hear from you!!!
OH... Update... Tom and his crew are in Bloomington, IN, David and his are just south of Nashville (about 1/2 hour from here) and Jen is in northern Virginia.
Hi Marge,
My last comment to you was written because I couldn't remember how to get into my google account - so computer illiterate. Oh well, now I will write what I wanted to before.
Our children and grandchildren live near each other but 6 hours away from us which is hard. Mark has two children; Owen 6 and in first grade - can't believe it and Sienna who is 3 1/2 weeks. Gregg lives near Philly and Jason is six months old and is huge 24 lbs. I do not know why he is so big. Gregg is tall and slim and Lauren is so skinny.
We have just come back from helping with Sienna. She is beautiful and the first girl. How special it is.
Both Bob and I are retired, keeping busy consulting and having fun.
Keep in touch!
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