Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weather complaints

Yes, it's March ... which is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. But this is ridiculous!

48 hours ago we had a record high. 80 degrees, here in Middle TN. My apple and pear trees were in full bloom. A beautiful, picture perfect day.

Today we have winter storm warnings, mixed precipitation, sleet, slush, nasty stuff all around! No wonder I am battling pneumonia


  1. It is a beautiful flower!
    Is this a flower of the apples?

    In Japan, a cherry tree blooms soon.
    As for the trees that cherry blossoms bloom, the place named the ream is very beautiful.

  2. It's the blossom from the apple tree... this old tree never gives me any fruit worth having, but it is so lovely in the Spring.

    In Washington DC they have a cherry blossom festival every year, when the cherry trees are in full bloom. LOVELY!
