Monday, June 1, 2009

More on Molluscum contagiosum

One of the things that prompted the earlier post at this time was an article published in International Journal of Aromatherapy, back in 2004, by Rhiannon Harris... a case study of aromatherapy treatment of Molluscum contagiosum. I just received permission to quote here... (the treatment detailed in the case study was based on successful results with earlier cases.)

Rhiannon used:

Essential oils:

  • Melissa Melissa officianalis 0.5 ml
  • Ravintsara Cinnamomum camphora ct 1,8 cineole 2.0 ml
  • Thymus vulgaris ct thymol 0.5 ml
  • Niaouli Melaleuca quinquenervia 2.0 ml

Fixed Oils:
  • Tamanu Calophyllum inophyllum 1.0 ml
  • St. John's Wort infused oil Hypericum perforatum 2.0 ml
  • Rose Hip Seed Oil Rosa Mosqueta 5.0 ml

The goals of the intervention were to exert a directly anti-viral effect, to promote skin healing, to reduce the risk of scarring, and to strengthen immune deficiencies.

The fixed oils chosen were known to assist with wound healing and skin regeneration.

The mixture was applied directly to the lesions three times a day, using a cotton swab soaked in the blend. By the second day, all lesions were reduced in size; by day five all lesions were completely resolved. No skin irritation was observed.

(If any signs of irritation had been observed, the mother had been instructed to add another 5 ml of St. John's Wort infused oil to the mixture, to dilute it further.)


  1. so the use of ravINTsara instead of raVENsara is because it is being used on a child? that's the impression i get considering your previous post.

  2. Partially that, partially because in 2005, when the case study was published, much of what was labeled RavENsara was actually RavINTsara.

    But there's another reason. According to the article, oils high in 1,8 Cineole are said to increase skin absorption. So using a high 1,8 Cineole oil that is ALSO anti-viral would target the "enveloped virus" directly by increasing direct contact.

    That's my understanding, at least. Plus RavENsara is much more apt to be a skin irritant.

    GREAT Question... you made me think! (sometimes a challenge on a Monday morning!)

  3. Thank you for this post Marge! And thank you, Rhiannon for sharing this 'recipe'. I, for one, will be adding it to my formulary.
    M: Do you think this may be appropriate for other skin infections, such as intrenched nail fungus? The 1,8 cineole advantage may be helpful for the difficulty of infected nail beds. I have a Kurt Schnaubelt recipe (
    from his book: Advanced Aromatherapy) for advanced fungal situations (nail bed involvement)--but it seems so harsh...

  4. My son had molluscum contagiosum when he was three. This was before I started using eos. Wish I would have known about this blend then since my good looking son at age 17 still has many small pox-like scars on his trunk. Back then the only treatments were burning, freezing and leaving alone. I did prepare this blend for another child a few years back and it works.
    Linda Weihbrecht RN, CCAP

    1. Hello, my little is full of molluscum. Here In Italy, they make me use the oil of neem. Do you know? Is it good? Tank you. You can answer at thank you cuz I'm desperate...

  5. Glad to know others have used the blend successfully, Linda, thanks for that feedback.

    I think that using the lemon myrtle would be at least as painful as either burning or freezing!

  6. Is there any chance you could help me find someone who could put together this formula for me? I have a 4 yr. old daughter who has had several spots on her face for about 6 months, and they seem to be suddenly spreading. I'd love to get at it before it gets worse.
    We live in Raleigh, NC. Thanks!

  7. Kristen, we don't normally "custom blend"... What I would do first, before we go down that road (and I'm not ruling it out) would be to try Ravintsara in a base of the calophyllum innophylum (sometimes called Foraha or Tamanu.) I'd use a full 15 mls of the Ravintsara to one fl oz of the Calophyllum.) (That's *the* specific for shingles, and for most herpes type virus outbreaks.) That would be something you could put together yourself without having to invest in the full roster of products in the blend.

    Let's try that, and see if it helps. If not, then email me and we'll discuss the "custom blend"... does that work for you?

  8. Thanks so much-I'll give it a try and let you know!

  9. hi,
    would this be the same blend/dose you would recommend for an adult?
    thank you for any info!

  10. Anon, I might use a slightly stronger dilution for an adult, however I'd probably start with the blend as given and give that a try. Remember with these oils, less is more. In most cases, the appropriate blend will work as well in a very weak dilution as in a much stronger one.

  11. Is there any way I could contact you about making a "custom Blend" I was searching for Australian Lemon Myrtle EO after reading the study you mentioned, but have been trying to contain the spreading of Molluscum Contagiosum on my 4 year old DD. It has spread very rapidly, and is now covering one side of her trunk. I need to kill this stuff, or my husband will make me take her to the Dermatologist to "burn" them off with chemicals. I don't know very much about EOs, except for what I have studied on my own. I would be hesititant to try mixing oils myself.

  12. Hi- I'm wondering if there was ever a response to the September 1 post. We are also battling mc on our 4yo. We ordered the lemon Myrtle oil and received it the day I found this website. We are holding off treating in hopes of finding something less harsh. Any inspiration to do a custom blend yet, please?

  13. Hi- I'm wondering if there was ever a response to the September 1 post re: the custom blend. We are also battling a bad case of molluscum on our 4yo. She has had it now for six months. We were told not to treat & it has now spread all over her body (it started on her face). I found your site just as I was about to use the lemon myrtle oil, but now we are holding off on that. Any custom blend option? I'd be a little nervous to do it myself, as I have not worked at all with my own eo blends. Thanks!

  14. Hi- I'm wondering if there was ever a response to the September 1 post re: the custom blend. We are also battling a bad case of molluscum on our 4yo. She has had it now for six months. We were told not to treat & it has now spread all over her body (it started on her face). I found your site just as I was about to use the lemon myrtle oil, but now we are holding off on that. Any custom blend option? I'd be a little nervous to do it myself, as I have not worked at all with my own eo blends. Thanks!

  15. I'm sorry, but I really can't, since the full blend is not my creation; it doesn't seem right to be making Rhiannon's blend to sell to someone. Now...since this conversation we HAVE started offering a strong dilution of Ravensara in calophyllum. this is normally recommended for shingles, and other herpes infections. Since it is available 'ready made' I would think about trying that, first. It's available at It is a strongly antiviral blend... I honestly don't know if it would help or not...but note that the two ingredients are major components of Rhianon's blend.

  16. My daughter has been suffering from Molluscum for several months and have been to dermatologist twice to have them "burned off" only to have more appear and continue to spread. I was at my wit's end when I came across this blog. I was skeptical, but was out of ideas. I ordered the Ravensara in calophyllum blend and within a couple of weeks - all spots have completely disappeared and I haven't seen any new breakouts. We had amazing results and I felt the need to share. Thank you so much for this blog!!

  17. Anonymous, bec. you did this post anonymously, I can't ask permission...I am going to post your comment several places. This is information that needs to be shared. THANK YOU!!! I love hearing that we made a difference!!!

  18. When we were told last November my son had molluscum contagiosum and the treatment was to burn them off or take medication, I went searching for an alternative healing measure. I did tons of research and eventually found this blogpost.

    I used the recommended blend neat on my son's feet and in a carrier oil (coconut/macadamia nut blend) on the molluscum. Within a few weeks, they started disappearing and within a few months, every single one is gone!

    I also used the blend in the carrier oil on my youngest as a preventative measure. The dermatologist told me everyone in the family would get it, especially if they were bathing together (like my two youngest were!!!) I figured it wouldn't hurt and perhaps it would help prevent the spread of the virus to the rest of the family. We are nearly 9 months past the first appearance of them on my son, and no one else has gotten it!!

    While my pediatrician and the dermatologist are astounded it hasn't spread to other family members, I am fairly certain it is because this blend in the carrier oil has protected us as my son healed from the outbreak. Thank you for sharing such great information!

  19. Hello, Great blog! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Is it advisable to keep the Ravintsara, Tamanu oil mixture in the fridge..?

    Many thanks
