Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Brian, from Oregon recently wrote:
> hello marge and thank you for all you do! i have enjoyed the oils
> and aerosols that i have ordered from you-they work! i wanted to
> ask you a question before i place my next order. i have been
> layering ravensara and Tamanu on old karposi's sarcoma lesions and they have been
> slowly going away. lately, after going off my antivirals (hiv)
> med's for a few months, i developed an additional 3 lesions on my
> leg. once i realized just what they were, they were gone after
> about a week using the oils-thank you! however, i am concerned that
> there may be lesions forming internally on organs (lungs, kidneys,
> roof of mouth, etc.) that i am not aware of. is it possible to use
> these oils internally by placing in capsules? i realize that you
> cannot give advise on what i should do, but if this were happening
> in your body, what would your course of action be?
First, Brian... THANK you for sharing your success with the lesions... that is
a use I have NOT heard of, and wouldn't have dared suggest. Could I have your permission to share your results in our newsletter, or blog, or somewhere? This is IMPORTANT news! (and Brian later wrote giving permission, of course, or you would not be reading this.)
second... no, I would NOT take them internally. Internal use of the oils puts your liver at risk for severe damage, and I don't think it would be worth it. I want to remind you that the MOST effective "internal" method with the EO's remains inhalation. Esp. for problems in the lungs, but they also pass both the /blood/brain barrier and are excreted thru the digestive system. This wouldn't work with the calophyllum, but with the eo's. I would use the ravensara by inhalation for possible internal lesions, and perhaps add an antifungal essential oil.. tea tree, or eucalyptus citriodora???
I am TRULY not qualified to consult on this and wouldn't dream of requesting payment...I am just delighted that you are having some success... Hope some of this is helpful!!! PLEASE keep me posted, and please allow me to share this publicly...others may learn from your experiences.
> after looking at my blood for the past 2 years through live blood
> microscopy, my healer and i have realized some startling patterns.
> it seems that the virus is enhanced by the presence of a
> pleomorphic fungus (this could be the one being sprayed through the
> federal "aerosols project"-chemtrails). in the last installment of
>, (the last week of august of this year), the good
> doctor described this fungus as having the ability to produce red
> blood cells, thus indicating that the fungus has been visiting bone
> marrow i guess. indeed, at my sickest a few months ago, my blood
> was a continuous matrix of this mutating fungus. i have had good
> luck with chlorine dioxide (MMS) in eliminating it, but this is
> difficult to take for long periods of time. are there oils or
> otherwise that is good at eliminating fungus? if this were
> happening in your body, what course of action would you take?
(It may not be clear from the 'order' of the correspondence, but if it were MY body, I would use the Ravensara (or Ravintsara!) by inhalation, and add some anti-fungal essential oils.)
There are times that we are strongly reminded that what we do, at Nature's Gift, can make wonderful differences in someone's quality of life, or well-being. This email exchange was one of those times, and I thank Brian for letting us share his experience.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Colorado Mystery - and Serendipity

Monday, September 21, 2009
"Make God Laugh - tell Him your plans!"
After a short drive, and a night spent in a hotel that, in my opinion, deserves -1 star, we awoke to find that 4 or so inches of snow had fallen in the Rockies, the entrance to Rocky Mountain park was closed, all the higher mountain roads were closed by snow, it was gray and rainy in Longmont, and our plans were...not going to materialize. I am NOT fated to see the beauty of the mountain tops this year.
But we had scheduled a visit with Cindy Jones, of Sagescript. I got to know Cindy through various Cosmetics Chemistry lists. She is,among other things, a microbiologist who tests products for contamination. If you make homemade creams, lotions, and other products which are subject to contamination, Cindy can test samples for you, and tell you if they are, at least, starting off "clean"... She can also do challenge testing to see if your preservative system is effective. (Yes, I know many of my friends make and sell "natural" toiletries products. I have received some...that grew green nasties in no time at all. In my professional opinion, proper preservation is a requirement for any toiletries product you are selling.)
Cindy has shared her knowledge generously, and has tested some hydrosols for us. To the best of my knowledge she had a lab somewhere, and we were going to go see it. So much for my assumptions!

The directions took us on what should have been a 15 minute drive. (It took 45 minutes because we went in the wrong direction on the wrong road for a LONG long's been that sort of day.) We finally arrived...tired and grouchy and disheartened... in a corner of heaven!
Clumps of deep orange Calendula, for infusing and distilling:

A clump of feathery Russian Sage
and rows of thriving Lavender plants...for hydrosols, dream pillows, all the uses of dried lavender.

Sunday's Visit
Every time in the past that I've met Laraine, she has been a presenter at a conference that I've attended as a "listener" I have always been in awe of her, and hesitated to ask if we could get together while we were in CO. She is just so knowledgeable in our field, and so very very busy, that I felt like I'd be bothering her. I thought, perhaps, we could get together for a cup of coffee, or lunch somewhere.

We sat on her lovely patio and talked and drank iced herb tea (Peppermint and Hibiscus...yummm!), then went into her office and played 'scratch and sniff' with her collection of oils.

I got to browse through her course material, and was TREMENDOUSLY impressed with the scope of education offered. (In fact, I wanted to buy a copy of the course material...but she couldn't let me ;(
We talked about suppliers, and courses, and oils and healing. It was wonderful! And if the visit and the tea and fruit weren't enough - she cooked us supper!
I had talked about the Pinion Pines that I'd fallen in love with...and she shared some resin...and treated us to a proper Japanese Incense ceremony, which I'd read about, but never experienced.
I'm reminded once again how, with just a few exceptions who shall remain anonymous, this industry of ours is filled with open, giving, loving spirits.
A bit more about Laraine.... in addition to co-authoring and teaching the course mentioned above, she was one of the original founders of NAHA (the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy), one of the original authors of the Aromatherapy Registration Council standards and the earlier examinations; and one of the founders of the newer Alliance for International Aromatherapists, which latter association I have dragged my feet on joining... but finally did, Sunday evening. You can learn more about her, professionally, at her personal website. Nothing that I've read online, however, gives a sense of her humor, her humanity, and her warm and loving spirit.
We left Boulder Sunday evening feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and enthusiastically headed for Longmont and the Rockies, and a visit with a "friend I've not met yet."
More to come!
Train ride!

We spent a lazy weekend. On Saturday we were bound and determined to visit Royal Gorge...a thousand foot deep gorge in the mountains near Canon City, with the worlds highest suspension bridge...that people actually walk across. After our experience with Pike's Peak, neither one of us were up to walking across a 1000 foot high bridge, so we chose the easy way, a trainride through the bottom of the gorge. The old single line track parallels the Arkansas river...rafters and kyakers waved, and we waved back. The ride skirted wonderful vistas, this shot shows some "Miners Candle" - the upright plant - in the front. I'm told that the foliage is soft and 'furry'... natives and early settlers used it for baby diapers, toilet tissue, etc, and the tall spires were dipped in tallow or wax to light the way into the mines. Behind you see the ubiquitous Rabbit Brush, and, I think, a cottonwood tree.

YES, I'm glad we didn't try to cross that bridge!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
High Country Ramblings

The countryside is studded with rock formations that put The Garden of the Gods to shame.

The air is dry, and clear, and filled with the winey tang of Pinon Pine Resin. I wanted to bottle it, and am starting a quest for someone who distills this wonderful pine. I *need* this essential oil for my collection.

What I thought was sagebrush, but later was told is "rabbitbrush" grows in clumps, adding varied shades of gold to the subtle coloring. The soft shades of this meadowland make the lush greenness of my Tennessee hills seem overblown and too ostentatious. This beauty is subtle, and patient.

Pikes Peak or Bust

This one seems to be pointing the way! (and, yes, that's my intrepid traveling companion climbing the rocks.)

Hairpin curves, 1 1/2 lane wide with two way traffic, visibility perhaps 15 feet. The scariest views didn't get taken because I was reassuring Michael that of course he could do this! Shots are thru the windshield because there is *no where* to pull over. We both felt that our lives were at risk. And all I could think was....we have to come back down! We crept upward at 5 miles an hour.

Finally, the summit. We were told on a clear day you can see for miles, and that location was the inspiration for the lyrics of "America The Beautiful." Our view of the summit? The sign says "You made it! The Summit" or words to that effect.

We agreed we wouldn't have missed it, but once was enough! Our souvenirs? Two bumper stickers... mine reads "Got Oxygen" (because I needed some, and was grateful to the friends who urged us to pack some) and his "Real men don't need guardrails"
Next blog: the high country meadows.
Friday, September 18, 2009
On The Road Again

Sorry for the 'time lapse'... Some evenings I've not had internet access, and some evenings I've been too overwhelmed (and exhausted!) to type! Or look at photos. Anyway... after leaving Boonville we headed west on Highway 70, through the rest of Missouri (which I fell in love with) and Kansas. Which I'm afraid I didn't. Missouri was green and rich and lush. Fields of thriving soybeans and corn (Monsanto heaven?) while perhaps the season was over in Kansas. We were almost out of the state before I could find the "fields of amber grain" that I wanted to shoot, and, turned out, they were really fields of russet Milo... but at least they were growing. Perhaps all the others had been harvested? (My apologies to our friends in Kansas; I am sure parts of the state are beautiful, but not the parts we traveled.)
Eastern Colorado was almost indistinguisable from Kansas, until:
Yes...those dark clouds on the horizon are the Rockies. We drove south to Canon City, to visit my friend's family. The next day, headed for Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak, we chose a "scenic route" called Phantom Canon Road. Probably 50 miles as the bird flies, but a good three hours drive, punctuated, of course, by stops for "Photo Ops" and ohhhs and ahhhhs. Some of the photo ops:
Bright sunshine, windy steep roads (the car going up has the right of way, because there's mostly not room to pass.) And breathtaking views.
My camera doesn't show depth well, the stream was, perhaps, 1000 feet below us.What I loved most about this last shot was the tenacity... a tiny bloom growing from near solid rock. I had to salute its spirit.
My apologies for the lack of aromatics in this blog post... there will be some, in the future.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
More from Boonville

Now, it's mid September, far past peak season for most of the herbs Anne raises. But we saw an amazing Vitex tree. HUGE. Past huge. And feathery and delicate at the same time.

Wayne said that one of Anni's most popular hydrosols is the organic Melissa, and she has lots of it. It's late in the season so the plants are not at their best, but they were still bright, fresh and aromatic, although the weeds were really fighting for space.

I love the aroma (and taste) of Melissa, and nibbled on a few leaves while trying to frame these shots.

What was really exciting was the view of the working still ... Now many of us have seen "kitchen" or Stovetop stills, and we've seen the fancy copper stills offered online. Works of art. But wonderful hydrosols (and oils!) can be produced by homemade equipment. The round container with the curved top hold the hot water... the botanical material is held in the square metal 'box' on top, with steam being forced up through the plant material, and exiting through the pipe on top... the steam runs through the long pipe in the picture can just make out the copper coil at the very end, (during an actual distillation it would be chilled...I forgot to ask Wayne how!) from which the aromatic water and the droplets of essential oil exit into their container.
I can't describe how lovely the setting was... but this single shot, from Anne and Wayne's front yard, might give some idea of the peace that surrounds them. My thanks to the Harmon's for giving us such a wonderful start to our journey.