Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday's Visit

On Sunday we headed north, to Boulder, to visit someone I've not seen for probably 10 years. Laraine Kyle, cofounder and coprincipal, (with Valerie Cooksley) of the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy, an AT course for health care professionals.

Every time in the past that I've met Laraine, she has been a presenter at a conference that I've attended as a "listener" I have always been in awe of her, and hesitated to ask if we could get together while we were in CO. She is just so knowledgeable in our field, and so very very busy, that I felt like I'd be bothering her. I thought, perhaps, we could get together for a cup of coffee, or lunch somewhere.

Instead, she opened her home to us, and we had the loveliest visit! There is no one in my local area who does what we do, so I never have time to "talk shop" with anyone except via email. We sat and caught up with news about friends and events for hours.

We sat on her lovely patio and talked and drank iced herb tea (Peppermint and Hibiscus...yummm!), then went into her office and played 'scratch and sniff' with her collection of oils.

I got to browse through her course material, and was TREMENDOUSLY impressed with the scope of education offered. (In fact, I wanted to buy a copy of the course material...but she couldn't let me ;(

We talked about suppliers, and courses, and oils and healing. It was wonderful! And if the visit and the tea and fruit weren't enough - she cooked us supper!

I had talked about the Pinion Pines that I'd fallen in love with...and she shared some resin...and treated us to a proper Japanese Incense ceremony, which I'd read about, but never experienced.

I'm reminded once again how, with just a few exceptions who shall remain anonymous, this industry of ours is filled with open, giving, loving spirits.

A bit more about Laraine.... in addition to co-authoring and teaching the course mentioned above, she was one of the original founders of NAHA (the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy), one of the original authors of the Aromatherapy Registration Council standards and the earlier examinations; and one of the founders of the newer Alliance for International Aromatherapists, which latter association I have dragged my feet on joining... but finally did, Sunday evening. You can learn more about her, professionally, at her personal website. Nothing that I've read online, however, gives a sense of her humor, her humanity, and her warm and loving spirit.

We left Boulder Sunday evening feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and enthusiastically headed for Longmont and the Rockies, and a visit with a "friend I've not met yet."

More to come!

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