Monday, December 7, 2009

Care Packages

Some of you may remember that a month or more the United Aromatherapy Effort sent out a request for aromatherapy supplies to support troops in Afghanistan. As usual, Nature's Gift responded immediately. After seeing the conditions to be addressed, and the requests, we sent a huge box filled with our SineEase inhalers, and bottles of FreshAire and GermBeater room sprays. Last week Sylla received a thank you note that seemed to refer directly to the products we had donated... here it is:

Here is his email (with permission and name removed of course!)-just so you
all know we are serving ALL troops, not just our own from USA; Jim (The "Soldier on the Ground" who distributes the goodies) has access to NATO troops from over 50 countries besides ours.....and he is quite enjoying strolling his supplies through undiscovered parts of CampPhoenix and handing out stuff, meeting lots of soldiers he wouldn't have
met. (and this means that even if you don't live in the USA know we are
taking care of your troops too).

""Dear ladies,

By way of introduction, my name is Major *************, and I am currently
serving in support of the International Security Assistance Force in
Afghanistan with Jim. I was taken aback by your organisation's generosity
and consideration with the care package of aromatherapy goods that you have
sent to the forces.

Your aromatherapy items were received in the most positive manner here. As
you can imagine we live in quite confined living quarters with limited to no
ventilation. Now I have the pleasure of walking into my sleeping space with
a scent I feel more relaxed in and I am certainly no longer confronted with
the musty smell of Afghanistan.

I have made use of the scented air spray and germ spray consistently in my
room to rid it of bad odors and to clean my living area to remain germ free
and healthy. Along with being more relaxed the scents also generally remind
me of the normalcy of home. With the flu season now upon us I am aware that
your products have also brought some relief to my mates affected with sinus

Jim has done a great job explaining to people about our organisation and
distributing the items in the care pack.

Just so you are aware of who your care packages are reaching, I am actually
an Australian from Darwin in the Northern Territory. I understand that you
have visited Australia Sylla, and I can only hope that you were treated with
the same friendliness that your countrymen have treated me both here and
from people like yourselves back in the States.

With my thanks, yours sincerely



Australian Cavalry

(I was so excited to see a copy of that email, that I just had to share it. And if you are the parent or loved one of someone serving ... this is a suggestion for adding to the care packages I am sure you are sending.)

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