Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year - New Decade

I've been musing over a wise, insightful blog entry for this New Year's Day - and finding myself spectacularly uninspired. (Entering inventory values will do that to you!)

But this is an especially significant year for us here... it marks our 15th anniversary online. Who ever would have believed that was even possible. (Not me!) And I've found myself musing over the wonderful clients and vendors and mentors who have become friends over all these years. A Christmas picture will come, and I'll realize that I had discussed baby plans with the mother of that gangly young man! Last evening, the last order of the old year was from a familiar name... found in my oldest existing archive. (It helps, of coure, that she was from Massachusetts, a lovely little town on the way to Cape Cod.)

Now, we will be doing all sorts of things to help you celebrate our 15th anniversary, that will be discussed in the future. Suffice it to say that the 15th of the month will be a significant day each month. But for now, I just want to thank you.

Thank you for letting us know of the many ways we have helped, we have made a difference. Thank you for your continued loyalty over a decade and a half. Thank you for letting us grow from just me in a spare bedroom to... what we have become. (Whatever that is...sometimes I'm not sure!) Thank you for sharing your experiences, and letting us know what works and what doesn't. Thank you all for the gift in my life that Nature's Gift has always been, because without all of you, we wouldn't exist!

A blessed 2010 to all of you, from Marge, Christi, "T", Jim, Yorleny, Stephanie, and Sharon.

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