Dr. Bruce Berkowsky has one of the most unusual perspectives on this healing art of anyone I've known. He blends aspects of aromatherapy, physiology, classical homeopathy, anthroposophical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and folklore, depth psychology, color therapy, gemstone healing and the Kabbalah into what he has named Spiritual PhytoEssencing.
Read more about his work at his website and blog.
I think this is a wonderful opportunity for anyone fascinated (as I am!) with the emotional and spiritual healing power of the oils. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to learn more, and hope some of you will join me! He is offering a three part web seminar, starting February 17th, and inviting Nature's Gift's friends to join, with a $10.00 discount off the tuition of the 3 part course. You may read more about the teleseminar at http://tinyurl.com/ykfkay6.
The first teleseminar is taking place February 17th. Our Blog readers and Facebook Fans get advance notice, because I won't be sending out a newsletter until the end of this week.
When you sign up for the teleseminar, at the link above, just mention "Nature's Gift" in the comments section, at checkout, and you will receive $10.00 off the tuition (normally $65.00) for the teleseminar.
I am so looking forward to this opportunity to learn and to grow!
Added after the above was drafted - I've been corresponding with Dr. Berkowsky and he just sent me the following additional information:
In addition to the materials that are generally included as part of the tuition (the 3 essential oil chapters from his Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis Of Essential Oils; the recordings of each of the classes; access to the specially priced essential oil set for this class as well as special offerings of his personally blended essential oil blends and flower essence/gemstone essence blends), early next week he will be sending a free bonus to all those who have registered.
The bonus consists of the links to the recording of a 25-minute excerpt from a teleseminar he recently presented. He believe we will find the material both orienting regarding deep soul-level healing work with essential oils and compelling regarding understanding of your own soul life. This bonus is real.
He am sourcing the oils for the 3-oil set now and has already found two exquisite spearmints (one from Australia, the other from Africa), a prana-filled clove from small farms in India and a truly fine niaouli from Australia. As in the practice of Spiritual PhytoEssencing, in every blend we use lavender as a harmonizer of all the component oils, he will also be including a very special lavender in the set.
(My comment... most of you know the source of the exquisite African spearmint ... and possibly of the very special Lavender, as well.)
At any rate, if his work intrigues you, please take advantage of the special discount for our friends, and join me in the "webinar" on Feb. 17th!
I just tried to register for the webseminars using Nature's Gift in the comment box and did not receive the $10 discount.
Typing Nature's Gate into the comment box did not yield the $10 discount for the three seminars you wrote about in today's blog/email newsletter
The shopping cart is not set to show the discounted rate (doesn't have the flexibility) but you'll be charged the discounted rate.
Nature's GATE was not offering any discount to their friends and clients. Nature's GIFT was. Sorry it didn't work for you.
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