Monday, March 26, 2012

Why We are Here

This weekend's email brought an amazing reminder of why we are here...and I was given permission to share:

From Alisa, who has been a client for just a few months now:

"Your site means a lot to me. I have loved aromatherapy before I knew it had a name.
During college and law school I forgot all about my passion to create, customize and blend to make myself and others feel better. But then after my father died of a long debilitating illness (12 years), my mother had an aneurysm ruptured and fell into a coma. I used to do fragrance therapy on her. I had read that fragrance memory is the most powerful stimulant. She did start coming around but she had stroke after stroke until she just could not go on. But I remember using fragrances of different oils and objects to “engage her in conversations.” I remember buying regular lotions and then adding things to it to make it uniquely hers and then massaging her feet and hands. My brother spend the last 10 years of his life in a nursing home. I have had a lot of losses.
For many years now I have been in health care as an attorney. I have seen too much. I have regulated nursing homes, in home care providers, and paramedics. I have litigated Medicaid and disability claims. For the last few years, I have worked with terminally ill clients. Sometimes it seems that much of my life is about death and dying. Aromatherapy literally adds a sweet fragrance to it. It is healing to me in so many ways. I have used products that I have brought from you to bring smiles and comfort to others. I am seeing new ways that I can take care of deeply troubled and terribly hurting people.
Thank you for your website. I wanted to tell you just how much it has helped. You are a true healer.

Just a reminder this Monday morning that all of us who work with these amazing healing oils are so very blessed to be able to do what we do!

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