Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 11: Creating Salves and Perfumes with Beeswax Beads and Floral Waxes

12 Days of Christmas Crafting

Today we tackle salves and natural perfume creations with special offerings for the season.  Floral Waxes in stock for a limited time: Jasmine Grand, Mimosa, and Rose.  As always we have emulsifying wax, and pure beeswax beads on hand. 
How to use these intriguing products you ask?  Floral waxes make delightful natural perfumes when scented with your favorite essential oils.  Our current offerings are more lightly scented natural waxes, so for instance with the Jasmine Grand, you might want to add more of the absolute to increase its intensity.  The same applies to the Rose wax. 
White Beeswax Beads
Gold/Natural Beeswax Beads

To make a solid perfume (our little lip balm pots/jars are perfect for these!):
-3 parts Jojoba
-2 parts Beeswax Beads
-1 part essential oil or blend
Warm the oil, add the beeswax beads and warm gently until melted.  Let cool until warm to the touch and starting to thicken. Stir in the essential oil, and pour into wee pots. We think it would be a great idea to make a few different perfumes and pour each into our little lip balm jars. Then you can give each of your friends a variety of your one of a kind perfume creations!  Marge offers too, that you can add a little cosmetic grade glitter if you are making gifts for children.

Beeswax beads are a staple for basic salves.  Marge’s friend Janice Sheplar advises a basic salve includes:
-2 oz  Beeswax beads (or wax of your choice)
-8 oz Carrier oil of your choice
-90 drops Essential oil or oils of your choice (½ to 1% dilution) 

Melt the wax and carrier oil together over a double boiler.  Warm the substance slowly over low heat.  Remember both the wax and carrier oil are flammable and high temperatures could be dangerous.  Also, high temps won’t achieve the desired results.  Blend together and allow the mixture to “cool” to around lukewarm temps.  Add your essential oil or oils of choice to the bowl and let it cool completely.  It may be poured onto a baking pan for cooling.  This way you can break it into little pieces.  If you would rather package it for “gifting” you can pour it into little PET plastic jars (1 oz or 4 oz.) or the wee lip balm pots we mentioned above. 

-For dry winter skin, add Calendula Infused Oil, Avocado Oil, and Lavender or Patchouli essential oil to beeswax beads OR
-Using the Rose wax, add Calendula Infused Oil, Rose Otto, and Sandalwood for skin softening luxury

People often ask us about the emulsifying wax we offer.  Emulsifying Wax is not a completely natural botanical product but because oil and water don’t mix, it is a component some use to bind warming oils with hydrosols, water, or teas, when making lotions or creams.  We offer it in a 4 oz size, perfect for experimenting with small creations.  Marge likes to use it to make her own face creams.

Our gift hints page has many more recipes, and if you are up for perusing our old newsletters, they too are a great resource for ideas.

Our waxes, beeswax beads, and lip balm pots/jars are available at special pricing today and tomorrow. Simply enter the promo code craft11, press apply, and see the 20% discount reflected online. (Some quantities are extremely limited!)

On the last day of Christmas creation blogging, we’ll recap the series, and offer tips for scenting Liquid Castile soap and other goodies.  Plus, if you’ve been unable to decide, it will be your final opportunity to take advantage of special savings on the products we’ve featured.  We look forward to hearing about your creations!

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