Monday, November 19, 2012

Aromatically Thankful

By Christi R. Pugh
For Nature’s Gift, Inc.

Which essential oils have befriended you this year?  Any surprises?  Although we each have our favorite oils, it seems particular oils befriend us over certain seasons, providing support and comfort in seemingly intangible ways. 

We often see unexplainable trends in essential oil purchases, almost as if the collective consciousness “needs” a specific oil in that moment, which is carried out individually.  I take note when I am aware of extraordinary purchases and often ponder what could be going on.  That may sound a little other-worldly, but esoteric uses of essential oils are legitimate, too. (think vibrational or energetic!) 

Fragonia ™ has been my favorite oil this year.  Much like Lavender, it seems to be an adaptogen (although this has not been scientifically seconded), blending and melding together with nearly any other essential oil.  It is a main component in two blends the universe gave me this year:  Relax Synergy and Harmony Synergy/Anointing Oil.  These two blends are so very different, yet Fragonia ™ seems to bind each together energetically.

Rose also befriended me this year, providing solace and comfort in January when I lost one of my dearest and closest friends and later in the fall, when my grandmother, aged 95, crossed over.  Our Solace blend heavily features Rose. 

I can’t imagine life without aromatherapy.  I reach for oils every day and am surrounded by their healing energy at work and at home.  I constantly make new discoveries or experience oils in new ways.  It is an aromatic adventure and our Nature’s Gift community is truly a blessing and a gift, as we make this journey together, sharing and learning from one another about these precious healing oils.

We would love to hear which oils have befriended you this year.  Please share your thoughts and experiences with us.

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