All was well for the first week or so, but as soon as the cool fall weather struck, his hands became red, chapped and raw. At first we thought it was the alcohol in the commercial product, but I'm wondering if he might not be allergic to something in the product.
At any rate, his little hands were chapped, raw and painful! His parents tried hand lotion, to soothe them, and it burned the raw irritated skin.
Finally his mom remembered the "care package" that had gone home from Tennessee with them. KleenHandz! The aloe vera gel and lavender soothed the irritated skin, and didn't burn the way other emollients had. And the antibacterial/antiviral essential oils should be an acceptable substitute for the commercial product that was causing him so much pain. I'm told that within two days all the irritation and redness was healed.
Yes, his first grade teacher says that he may keep his KleenHandz at school and use it every day instead of the commercial sanitizer.
I love it when we have success stories! (And I wait for the day that certain family members will reach for a natural solution FIRST, not after the commercial product fails, but that day may never come.)
At any rate, if you are in a situation where you are obligated to use a hand sanitizer, and the one available to you irritates your skin, KleenHands might be a good alternative.
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