Thursday, July 11, 2013

Queen for a Day

We get a lot of feedback. Sometimes it really warms our hearts.  Sometimes it shows that we really did make a difference in someone's life.  Sometimes it's just a thank you.  Sometimes it's a complaint.  Yesterday was a day with a lot of complaints.  And then Mary, from Texas wrote, and just made my day.  She so totally GETS who we are and what we try to do.  And gave me permission to share. 

Dear Marge:

I am not a professional in the field or anything like that, so I can’t really compare your products to anybody else’s.  But each time I get my little Nature’s Gift package, I am struck by how luxurious all these products are.  Like the wonderful Golden Shea I just got in this package, which so far is my favorite shea product anywhere.  I’ve bought infused oils, like the gorgeous Champa Flower and Blue Lotus and the wonderful infused aloe in fractionated coconut. 

So many of your products make me feel like royalty!  Keep up the good work.  You must put thousands of hours into researching the best suppliers and cultivating relationships with them!  I can tell you that there are a whole lot of products out there that may or may not be less expensive, but so often, they don’t even seem to be the same product at all! 

 When I use your products, I don’t smell chemical smells or feel that nasty chemical itching and burning, you probably know what I’m talking about, and I don’t ever suspect that there are unlisted fillers and chemicals.  You have got the best products.  Hope your business thrives for a very long time!  Thanks once again! 

I love that she says we make her "feel like royalty"... what can we do to make YOU feel like royalty today?

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