Sunday, October 20, 2013


12 Days of Christmas Crafting: Revisited
Day Four - Lotions
By Christi R. Pugh
For Nature’s Gift Inc.

Continuing our 12 Days series, today we opt for simple and basic.  We suggest adding essential oil or oils to an unscented gentle lotion as a gift for friends or loved ones, particularly those struggling with anxiety issues for whatever the reason.

Research has shown using Lavender lotion can be helpful for patients with Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Stress/Anxiety issues.  The idea is the massaging into the hands or onto the body is in itself relaxing, but the Lavender, being calming itself, soothes the agitation often found in patients dealing with these issues.

A relative who struggles with anxiety told me her therapist suggested she use Lavender Lotion when she felt a panic attack coming on.  He suggested she keep it nearby and to squirt it onto her hands and nearly wring her hands applying the lotion.  She said almost immediately this motion and aroma begins to calm and center her.  In fact, as we spoke about it, she became more relaxed, just from the memory of how the Lavender made her feel. (Not intended as medical advice, please see your practitioner.)

So which Lavender would be best for this purpose?  From our selection of numerous Lavender oils, I believe I would first reach for the Lavender Mailette and next, the Lavandin Super.  These two are equally relaxing, although I suspect most all of our Lavenders (except the Spike) would do the job.

It is easy to scent the bottles of lotion.  All you need is some of our pipettes to add the oil to unscented Silken Lotion.  Go by your nose, but keep in mind, less is more, and Lavender is a known adaptogen which means it could have the opposite effect (stimulation) if used in too high quantities. We recommend something between a 1% and 2% dilution (which would be 6 10 12 drops for a one ounce bottle of lotion.)  Remember you are creating a lotion, not a perfume; you want subtle!

The unscented lotion is only available in 4 oz but you could blend it and divide it up into smaller
bottles.  If you want to go even easier, we do offer the Lavender Silk Lotion pre-made for your convenience in both a 1 oz and 4 oz size.

Our new Aloe and Jojoba Spray Lotion has been a bit overlooked since we introduced it recently, but it is one of my favorite new discoveries!  You can also add a bit of oil to it.  Makes a great facial lotion and works wonders on dry, scaly areas, with a pump spray.

If Lavender isn’t your cup of tea, other relaxing ideas include: our Relax Synergy, Reunite Synergy, any of the Chamomile oils, Sandalwood, or Frankincense. I am reminded of the research on women with post partum depression who were helped by a blend of rose and lavender. What a lovely soothing and pampering blend that would be.  The man in your life might love a lotion scented with one of the Sandalwood oils, or any of the woods.

Now through October 29th save 20% on Unscented Silk Lotion, Lavender Silk Lotion, Pipettes, and 1 oz bottles with treatment pump.  Your friends will be delighted with this thoughtful, relaxing gift of aromatherapy.

I’ll share more aromatic gift giving/making ideas and suggestions in the coming days.  In the meantime, we would love to hear about your creations! Use the promo code  craft4 at checkout, press "apply" and receive a 20% discount on these useful tools.

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