Thursday, June 26, 2014

Juniper Berry Oil

In honor of our new shipment of organic Canadian Juniper Berry Oil, we thought we'd share a lot of information about this cleansing oil.

You may order it from our alphabetical list of essential oils, here.

Physical effects of Juniper Essential Oil

Physically, Juniper Berry Oil is a diuretic and is often included in anti-cellulite and detoxifying blends. It is an essential component of any detoxifying blend, said by many to help with recovery from too much rich food or drink.
Rosemary Caddy recommends Juniper Oil for treating gout, since, she says, it expels Uric Acid from the body. (Perhaps blended in St. John's Wort Oil for its anti-inflammatory effect?)
Juniper is antimicrobial for a wide range of bacteria (airborne, staph, strep.etc.) and can be used for respiratory complaints (inhalation).
Juniper Oil is said to help recover from hangovers . It may be helpful with arthritis and rheumatism.

Skincare Uses of Juniper Oil

In skincare it is said to aid in balancing oily skin and hair (thinking it would make a lovely blend with Geranium, perhaps a man's blend?).
A facial steam with juniper oil is a wonderful aid to balancing oily skin or to soften blackheads.

Energetic Uses of Juniper Essential Oil

Energetically, Juniper is said to clean the atmosphere of a room, clearing negativity from rooms or from people. (Similar to the cleansing effects of white sage.) There are those who recommend its use meditation for centering and drawing loving energy.

Safety Warnings

Avoid during pregnancy or with babies. Avoid with kidney disease and acute bladder/kidney infections.

Blending with Juniper Oil

Detox Scrub:  to 1/2 cup of sea salt, add enough carrier oil of your choice (Jojoba works well for all skin types) to blend to a "wet sand" consistency.   Blend 4 drops Lemon essential oil, 4 drops Juniper essential oil, and 2 drops Fennel essential oil.  Stir essential oil blend into scrub base.  After showering, while still standing in the shower, scrub the body with this gently detoxifying scrub, paying special attentions to areas of cellulite.  Rinse well and dry. 

Detox Bath: Blend one cup Dead Sea Salts with the same essential oil blend mentioned above. Stir into warm bath, soak as long as you have patience for.

Energizer:  Combine equal parts of  peppermint, juniper, and rosemary cineole essential oils.  Either use in aromalamp or diffuser, or, for an energizing shower, put four or five drops of the blend on the shower floor. The steam will diffuse the aromatics.

Forest Blend - for a man's toiletries or to scent a room.  If I were a candle maker I would LOVE a candle scented with this blend.

6 parts fir needle e.o.
4 parts cedarwood e.o.
2 part juniper berry
1 part cypress e.o.
1 part patchouli e.o.

"STRESS RELIEF" Blend Commercial dupe's not a 'destressor'...see our Destress Synergy for that...But a true and natural essential oil variant of a popular commercial scent.  Bright, fresh and springlike.  The original formula comes from a talented blender known as Cat... we've tweaked a bit..  this makes a wonderful lamp or diffuser blend.
measure by drops, The total will be approximately 1 1/2 ml. 
  • Spearmint - 6
  • Bulgarian Lavender - 4
  • Juniper Branch & Berry - 4
  • Clary Sage - 4
  • Peppermint - 3
  • Eucalyptus Globulous - 3
  • Bay Laurel - 2
  • Mandarine Red - 2
  • Coriander - 2
  • Jasmine Grand - 1
  • Clove Bud - 1
  • Scotch Pine - 1
Juniper oil blends well with  Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon, Mastic, and Rosemary oils.

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