Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rose Harvest Difficulties

This just in from our Bulgarian producer.  He was confirming our preorder of Rosa Alba (White Rose) CO2 Extraction, but warned us of a significant increase in cost, and asked whether I still wanted the material, since the price had escalated. (I said of course!)  His explanation of the reason for the increase will be upsetting for all true Rose lovers.

The reason - totally failed rose campaign because of unfavorable weather conditions during early spring. The situation is not only local for our company, but this is valid for the rest of the Bulgarian processors and rose growers. 

Actually the price of flowers exceeded a 50% increase during the rose harvesting, which finally influenced the price of all kind of rose products. 

In addition the total production of rose oil for whole Bulgaria is down 30% below what it has been during the last several years!!! We have been updated for a similar situation in Turkey, thus your decision to buy organic certified rose oil earlier this year turned to be a wise decision... :)

(He refers to an offer he made of some more of the 2014 certified organic Rose Otto. We bought not one but TWO kilos, and are grateful today for that (seemingly!) extravagant purchase.)

We hope to have  enough on hand to meet all your aromatic needs until the 2016 harvest.  This is one time that I will NOT sell out all of our stock without reserving some for my personal delight.

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