1996, Agonis Fragrans was recognized as having commercial value, but limited
supply hindered
promotion. Historically recognized by the cut flower industry as “coarse tea tree”, the name Fragonia reflects the fragrant nature of both the foliage and the essential oil.
promotion. Historically recognized by the cut flower industry as “coarse tea tree”, the name Fragonia reflects the fragrant nature of both the foliage and the essential oil.
From steam distillation
of the leaves comes an oil described by Tony Burfield as “a pleasant fresh
cineolic odour with a hint of a citrus note (which becomes more pronounced
after a few minutes) mixed with a slight spicy cinnamon tonality and sweet
balsamic undertones. The dry down is very faint being sweet, soapy and woody
balsamic." (copyright Tony Burfield 2004). In-depth analysis of the species revealed
that different chemotypes of the same species existed. (1)
In vitro,
this oil had similar anti-microbial abilities to other essential oils,
including tea tree. As well, the School
of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western Australia, found in-vitro,
the oil inhibits such immune responses as the secretion of a glycoprotein
(IFNy) known to be involved in the inflammatory process. Though further studies are required to prove
effectiveness and safety, this implies that the oil may become useful as an
anti-inflammatory. Future studies hope
to determine the effect on other cell types. (2)
In 2001, the Paperbark Company
established a plantation on the southern coast of Western Australia
specifically for these small shrubs.
Distribution of Fragonia™ began in 2003.
Concern that increased marketing of the oil would result in other
plantations cropping up that would produce an oil with inaccurate constituent
content led to the trademarking of “Fragonia”. (2)
“There is concern that to release
clinical results now may encourage commercial interest by other parties which
may result in uncontrolled planting of different chemotypes and erroneous and
fanciful claims made relative to this new oil.
At this stage, this could significantly complicate negotiations and the
orderly development of this new product.
Adverse initial publicity will damage public awareness and future
marketability.” ”. - Found and Associates (Appendix
6) (2)
In an RIRDC report, the company explained: “The oil extracted from the leaves of Agonis
fragrans would appear to have significant potential in the the therapeutic
market and this is where most attention to date has been applied. This sector of the market only accounts for
about 6% of the essential oils used worldwide.
However, there is increased interest being shown by the
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory testing
has been undertaken, with results for the former being very encouraging. The pleasant scent of this oil will likely
support the use of this oil in this area.
Early work has identified the major constituents of 1,8 cineole, alpha
pinene, and linalool as being indicative of possible application in remedial therapies
for joint, muscle and arthritis pain (Mark Webb pers com). The constituents are also indicative of
application to remedial therapies for respiratory infections (Mark Webb pers
In addition to the anti-microbial
aspects of the oil, there is considerable research being undertaken into the
likely emotionally balancing activities of certain chemotype/constituent
varieties of the oil. One of the primary
aspects which has been identified as contributing to this seemingly significant
property is the “balance” of a particular chemotype of the genus. The chemical constituents are loosely grouped
as oxides (1,8 cineole), monoterpenes and monoterpenols, all in perfect
balance. This aspect of the oil is very
exciting and is initially where a lot of the early attention is being directed.”
Daniel Peneol, founder of Medical Aromatherapy and Quantum Aromatherapy, wrote
of his experience with Fragonia in his newsletter in August, 2007, which I
found requoted several times online:
"From the chemistry approach, the striking
element is the extremely well-balanced composition of the oil. In fact, as I
was working on the results of the GC analysis,
it occurred to me that for the very first time I was gazing at a unique
formula. I am not referring to the individual molecules that make up the oil
here. I am referring to the respective proportions of the families of
components between them and the proportions of the individual components
between them, especially inside the monoterpenols." (4) ( The company cites a near perfect ratio of
oxides, monterpenes and monoterpenols to be 1:1:1). (1)
Robert Tisserand indicates that there
is risk of skin sensitization if oxidized. (3)
The PaperBark Company -
(2) A New Essential Oil – Agonis
fragrans - Publications
Robert Tisserand/Rodney Young.
Second Edition, Essential Oil Safety:
Churchill Livingstone, 2013.
Photo courtesy of John Day, The Paperbark Company
Photo courtesy of John Day, The Paperbark Company
My comments:
Dr. Danial Peneol was one of the first to publicize this amazing oil outside of Australia. At least two issues of the Australian journal "AromatherapyToday" were dedicated to it. A quick Google search will show you a long list of both research articles and shared experiences from those who have worked with it.
I made an inhaler for my grandson to help with his chronic Asthma and the results were better than any of us expected. We use it in the blend Christi developed for my COPD. I have been known to put a few drops in my AromaStone when sleep eludes me. We would recommend adding it to any respiratory blend. Robbi Zeck and others write of the emotional and spiritual effects of this amazing oil. I was, initially, a skeptic, but have grown to love and rely upon it. I urge you to research more recommended uses.
Read more and order your own Fragonia™ here.
Hello, I recently read about Dr. Daniel Peneol and Fragonia while shopping for new essential oils. I found the best price and ordered from and have been using the oil for 2 weeks. Also, I wasn't expecting my order for several days, but it was delivered to me the next day. Thank you Natures Gifts.
ReplyDeleteI am so amazed with my experience that I feel compelled to share. The word to describe using Fragonia is harmony, a true sense of harmony. It sounds cheesy, but it's like a magic oil. Whatever answer I need, I am finding almost magically. Difficult situations are no longer seen as difficult.
When we think with a clear mind free of ego clutter we find the direction we need, and that is what Fragonia has provided for me. I can't imagine living without it in my house now.
Betty Wolfe
Jacksonville, Florida