Saturday, September 5, 2015

Denver Bound

It has been more years than I can count since Nature's Gift has attended a conference as a vendor. More than a decade, since Christi and Jim have been with us for 10 years, and it was before their time.

It was so long ago that we were able to ship all the inventory we took with us as luggage, none of this FedEx nonsense. That should tell you how long!

But this year we are Platinum Sponsors of the AIA conference in Denver, and one of the sponsor's benefits is a free vendor display. And someone said "why not?"  (That may have been a mistake!)  We decided to keep it really simple.  Perhaps not take any inventory, just five ml bottles of our favorite oils and blends. I really want the conference goers who are not already clients of our to at least experience our oils. "That's it, we'll just take 5 ml samples, if they want to buy they can order online. That'll be easy."

And then I read and fell in love with Madeleine Kerkhof-Knapp Hayes's Complimentary Nursing in End of Life Care. And thought... if people see this, at AIA, they will want to buy it. The book offers more than just "end of Life" information. I love it. We have to make it available.   So I contacted Madeleine and we imported a LOT of the books.

Then we started to make lists of the oils and blends that we should bring.  and we cut the list. and we cut the list..and we cut the list.. and the list was LONG.
Then.. DISPLAYS!  oh. We can't just have 100 bottles sitting on the table...Enter my gifted and talented daughter in law Candice Forte. "I can do that" and she did. 

And then my wonderful crew got to work:

And, for safe traveling...

(The eyedropper tops are the CO2 carrier oils, Pomegranate, Chia Seed, Borage, Evening Primrose, etc.)

Final wrapping..  all I can think is "wrapped them in Swaddling Clothes" 

At final count...there were 13 boxes.  How did we get 13 boxes? I don't know!  A lot of them were books.  but...13 boxes?  Our poor FedEx pickup man!     Imagine if we had decided to bring lots of inventory!  Blessings on the friends who have offered to help me set up and tear down the table when we are done.    And on Debi Rodriguez who has volunteered to help man the booth and talk to people about our oils during the duration of the conference.

I am so looking forward to this next weekend in Denver. And I had FORGOTTEN how much work it was to get ready for a show! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL, and one thing leads to another! Glad you will be there.
