Sunday, April 24, 2016

Aussie Oils 11 - Eucalyptus dives (Peppermint Eucalyptus)

(I have no idea why this did not get published when Sandy wrote it.  Here it is, six months later.)

My aromatic journey began with peppermint.   When my boss knew it was going to be a particularly
hard day, she would bring me a Starbucks peppermint mocha frappaccino.
I refer to it as “happiness in a cup,” and seriously, you can’t ruin my day with that at my side.   I’ve been sighted plunging my face into a peppermint candle when a migraine is threatening.  Chocolate covered peppermint, peppermint bark…I even made an afghan out of multi-colored yarn that is peppermint in color.  Where others claim the peppermint herb is the bane of home gardens, I allow mine to flourish. (

My note - When Sandy and I travel together there is no need to ask what she wants at a Starbucks stop....)

So it was only logical that when I began exploring essential oils, peppermint was first on the list.  I have tried – and loved – every peppermint that Nature’s Gift has offered.  Imagine my excitement when I realized a different peppermint was available!!
Eucalyptus dives Schauer – Broad –leaved Peppermint or Eucalyptus peppermint – from a tree with fibrous bark and broad, thick leaves that have a strong peppermint odor when crushed (I’m getting happy already!).   The trees are commonly found in South East Australia, from west of Sydney – through the Blue Mountains, the Great Dividing Range, the high alpine country of the Snow Mountains to Melbourne, in altitudes of 492 feet to 4593 feet.  (1)
 Steam distillation of the aerial parts is done to produce two different chemotypes.  One rich in pipertone, the other in cineole.  The piperitone rich CT is a natural source of which synthetic menthol is manufactured.  Marc Webb indicates that the oil is produced as it has been for over 200 years in “Eucy Stills” by bush distillers in rugged country of which the trees are grown. (1)
The piperitone CT has 53% piperitone in a typical analysis.  In comparison to the cineole CT, the Piperitone CT is higher in alpha-phellandrene (20%), globulol/viridiflorol (6%), terpinien- 4-ol (4%), para-cymene (3%), alpha-terpinene (2%), beta-phellandrene (2%),  and alpha-terpinyl acetate, alpha-pinene, and delta -terpinene, each at 1%.  Trace amounts of myrcene, linalool hydrate, trans-menth-2-en-1-ol, methyl acetate, cis and trans piperitol, alpha, beta and gamma eudesmols are also present in a typical analysis.  These constituents together allow the E. dives piperitone CT to be beneficial in a diffuser for typical colds, bronchitis, etc., as it brings about slower, deeper breathing while opening bronchioles and sinuses.  (1)
I most favor Marge description of the oil: “Sparkling and bright, smelling like a blend of your favorite Eucalyptus species with just a touch of sweet Peppermint.” (2)
  Robert Tisserand sites no hazards or constraindications known in Essential Oil Safety, Ed. 2.  (3)
(1)Mark Webb.  Bush Sense,  Australian Essential Oils and Aromatic Compounds,  Adelaide, Australia:  Griffin Press, 2000. 
(2) Marge Clark,
(3)  Robert Tisserand/Rodney Young.  Second Edition, Essential Oil Safety:  Churchill Livingstone

My notes: for many years we did not offer this delightful oil because I had read that the Piperitone was a severe neurotoxin, and didn't want to sell it. It was only after Robert Tisserand's book was published that we finally offered it.  I was wrong. NOT all ketones are hazardous. I am so glad to be able to make this available.

You may read more about, and purchase your own Peppermint Eucalyptus here.

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