Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MWM Essential Oils for the Emotions: Anxiety

Anxiety came up more than once during Mondays with Marge discussion this week.  She outlines common essential oils helpful for anxiety in general, as well as more specific choices for particular emotions including grief, stress, sadness, doldrums, etc. 
In medical terms anxiety and depression are often mentioned together.  Please note that our discussion in no way attempts to address any such medical issue.  If you or anyone you know may be clinically depressed or suicidal, please go to the ER or contact medical professionals immediately. 
That said, anxiety is a rather human issue.  It is not fear, per se.  It can range from nervousness about taking a test or giving a speech, or riding on a plane; to stress from money or health issues, feeling troubled over a teenager or aging parent, and even concern for the state of the world at large. 

Pete asks: Hi Marge…I want to make a blend for Anxiety, Stress, so that my friend's stomach is not in knots. This can be diffuser, inhaler or roll-on. Thank you for any insight you can give.

Marge’s reply:
In my experience, anxiety is one form of stress...what I use to treat stress would be different from what we know helps with anxiety. First let's address the anxiety.

In my studies I learned that the specific essential oil for anxiety is Neroli, distilled from the blossoms of the bitter orange. That is the first ingredient. One component of anxiety is the inability to stay present. We are in turmoil over what might happen later today, tonight, next week, and not what is happening right now, this minute. The best oil for 'staying present' in my experience is Vetiver, for grounding. Those are the two primary oils to start. In our Reunite' synergy, we add smaller amounts of Sweet Orange, for laughter, of Petitgrain, to reinforce the anti-anxiety effect of the Neroli, and
Frankincense and Sandalwood for spiritual support.  

For a season, I too experienced frequent anxiety. My stomach wasn't in was turning somersaults. I was sometimes totally crippled by anxiety. I will never forget the first time I was ever asked to speak in public about the oils. I agree to speak at an industry conference and then dreaded and regretted my commitment.  The time leading up to my speaking was more than brutal on my emotions! I am happy to report that the Reunite' blend got me through it. Neroli and Vetiver, and some other goodies.  In this instance the situation forced me into finding a solution that would allow me to be able to get up and speak to a crowd. I ended up creating Reunite blend for myself and that situation.  Thank goodness, I did! In many ways it changed the trajectory of my life and helped plant my deep roots in Aromatherapy for good. As of today, it has helped so many other people, too!  I believe Neroli and Vetiver are key to this helpful blend.

Now, to deal with stress, we have a long list of anti-stress oils, in our 'oils for emotional issues’ page online. I would try these as singles first to see what she likes, and then create a blend of oils your friend enjoys.

Suggested essential oils for stress: Bergamot, Atlas Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, all Citrus oils, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Rose (Absolute and Otto), Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylangylang. Yes, a long list... so pick her favorites. Use the Cedarwood or Patchouli (her choice) to anchor all those top notes and let her help design the blend. When you are finished, you want her to go "Ahhhhhhhhhh," when she smells it. The list of ‘oilsfor uncomfortable emotions,’ is here.

Tomorrow we’ll share more questions from MWM as we blog about oils to help with stress, grief, and the blues.

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