Today is EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION we brought in lunch. from front left, around the table. Roberta... who started with us last Autumn. Roberta packs orders, does some pouring, and is learning to blend. Behind her comes Cindi, our bookkeeper, who makes me turn in receipts and has brought order out of chaos. Next, Christi, you all know her. She is our staff aromatherapist and customer service expert.("she's the nice one.") Odds are when you call she has answered. Vastly overqualified for what she does here. Around the corner is Kabrina, our baby. She packs orders, runs the mail, and brings sunshine to our day. Michelle..Her's is the "M" on your oils, our chief pourer, blender of baby balm, Shea Creme, stand in for Jim in his absence. Shawnie, brand new, after resigning as a career teacher, Shawnie is helping us out for awhile, packing orders, wrapping samples, whatever needs doing. Jim, on the end, is our production manager. Everything that happens in production, from checking in new products, keeping track of what needs ordering, and in general maklng sure things run smoothly is his responsibility. If you appreciate what Nature's Gift does, if we bring joy and healing to your life, these are the people responsible.
And in the rear, in the window, wearing Jim's chef's hat, Is Jasmine Lavender. She watches over Production when no one else is there.
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