Are your oils ingestible?
If you INSIST on ingesting, ours are most definitely the quality you need; however please read this...
There are pages collecting adverse reactions to unwise ingestion... permanent scarring of the esophagus, ulceration in the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach, liver damage, etc.
Are you being treated by someone especially trained in Aromatic Medicine (which does. upon occasion, suggest ingestion to treat a specific condition) or are you listening to a rep for a company who is selling oils?
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(sigh. We all know that this prospective customer would have sayed and bought if I just had responded, "yes!"
But I can't just do that.
Rowing up stream. The myth of Sisyphus consists of a hero doomed to try rolling an immense boulder uphill. Sometimes he made progress, but the boulder inevitably rolled back down. I feel like Sisyphus.
Dear Lady, Sisyphus has nothing on you. May you have the assistance of all the Muses and Amazons at your back. The Valkyries are coming, the Valkyries are coming!