Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our Christmas Gift

Our Christmas Gift


Sometimes my email brings us true gifts, that make me cry with gratitude for the gift of being able to do what we do here.

Back in mid September a stranger named Cori emailed the following query:

My daughter had spine surgery and has some nerve damage. I would like to try helichrysum oil on her back. Can you recommend an appropriate size and carrier oil? As well as dilution?
Now of course, I am not legally able to even suggest that any of our products can help with healing.  But how can I ignore a mother's plea.

So, with all of the obligatory caveats, I suggested:
 Either the Corsican or the Balkan helichrysum italicuum would be my choice...  and I would try two different carriers... first, St. John's Wort oil..  if that doesn't help, I would think about using a blend of calophyllum inophyllum (tamanu) and jojoba...    both the SJU and the calophyllum can have pain relieving effects on their own...  

and I would use the helichrysum at somewhere btwn a 2.5% and a 5% dilution...        more shouldn't be necessary.   you also might want to add a touch of black pepper or ginger, the 'warmth' can stimulate circulation which aids healing...  and lavender or sweet marjoram ...anti spasmodic/relaxing for pain relief.

You could just try our Miracle blend  at first...  our blend specifically for nerve & joint pain...  I hope some of this helps her!!!!!!!!!!!

She wrote back 

Thank you Marge. She actually has a spinal cord injury from the surgery. I have read a bunch of articles about helichrysum helping stimulate nerves and nerve regeneration. She has no pain. Does the miracle blend give that "menthol" feeling? She's 8 and I don't know if she'd tolerate that.

 BTW Thank you so much for all of the info.

>> no... we don't use mint in it... you can read the ingredients...
>> poor darling....this hurts just reading about it Cori!

> Thank you! I'm going to order some in the morning. Can't wait to try it. Leaving no stone  unturned :)
And I went on about our business, never thought about the correspondence again, because I get tons of email every day.

This week I heard back from Cori.

Hi Marge-
I just wanted to let you know that I used your Miracle Oil on my daughters back and put her in the pool two days later for some water therapy. She started moving her legs
For the first time in 3 months! She is now walking unassisted.
I certainly believe that with the combination of the therapy, recovery time and oils that her spinal cord injury has "repaired" itself. Thank you for recommending it. 

What a gift, reading that to start my Monday morning.  I wrote to thank her for letting us know the results... her reply..
You can share my story! My mother was here with me when I started using the oil. The first 2 days we used it quite often around her surgical/injury site. My mom and I talk about it all the time, how we wonder how much of it was the oil or just a culmination of all of our/her efforts. I guess we will never know but I'm so glad I found you and you recommended it to me!   Needless to say we need more :) She says it helps when her back is hurting..and I think the scent helps her sleep!

Thank you! And HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
and the final postscript, that let me know that I needed to share this:

I forgot to tell you also..when we saw the Dr. in September we had an orthopedic surgeon and a neurosurgeon tell us she would never walk again. So...I do believe the oils had some part in her progress! 

Thank you again! I love what you do! It is absolutely fascinating.

Years ago, at a conference or retreat, the leader stopped in mid presentation, looked around the room and said, all inclusively, "Isn't it grand to be US."

I was reminded again this week what a true gift it is to be us, and to do what we do. All of us... in the aromatic healing community. What gifts we have been given to share.

Happy holidays everyone... I hope you have some gifts of healing shared with you to give you the gratitude we are feeling.

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