Monday, January 5, 2015


Leif is fascinated by POTIONS.  When he grows up he wants to be a potion maker.

This morning I got a FB msg from my daughter in law, Candice.  Could they do a field trip to Grandma Marge's Laboratory.  Of course.  So after a day of fun and exploring and lunch they came to visit in the afternoon.

I had already discussed it with Jim, our chief potion-maker, and we decided that there would be no better potion than KleenHandz.  After all, it may not be all glittery and sparkly and shoot off fireworks, but keeping a small boy healthy when all of his classmates are coming down with everything that's going around...that's pretty magical.

So Leif and Jim set to work.  First we have to weigh and measure ingredients.

Then everything, once blended, needs a REALLY good shaking to finish blending it well.

Now to pour it - 4 ounce Boston Rounds, with lotion pumps.  Jim decanted some into a glass beaker, for ease of handling.  (Leif, where did your gloves go?)  Big sister Chelsea is waiting her turn.

Mom and Baby Roxy were watching:

Chelsea is being VERY careful. It's hard being the big sister, you have to do it right.  We can see how hard she is concentrating.

A couple of labels and we are good to go!

Two Clark young'uns should have healthy winters this year, thanks to Nature's Gift's magic potions.

(This Grandma doesn't very often use this space to brag on my grands...but they are such amazingly GRAND grands that I thought you might enjoy meeting them.)


  1. Is Leif your April Fool's grandbaby? I remember you telling me about having one, around the time my twins were born.

  2. Nope, that's Josh....he'll be 10 in April.

  3. I am new to the use of Essential Oils. You are an inspiration to all. I will have a potion day with my grandkids once I get more knowledgeable in Essential Oils.

  4. Why bless your dear heart, Kathi, thank you. (I think this wasn't really the kind of potion he had in mind, tho!)
