Saturday, June 22, 2019

Solstice Best Sellers:

Because we are always surprised - the best selling essential oils during our Solstice sale:
  • Tied for 9th, 10th and 11th place:  Midwestern Peppermint, Himalayan Cedarwood and Holy Basil
  • Tied for 8th, 7th,6th, 5th and 4th place: Tea Tree, Australian Sandalwood 10%,  Organic Hungarian Peppermint,  Kunzea, and Fragonia
  • Third place:  Taiwan Incense Cedarwood
  • Second Place:  Siam Wood
  • First place, best selling during the sale: Ravintsara.
Now, why was everyone buying Ravintsara on Friday?  Has someone been talking about what a powerful antiviral it is where I missed the conversation?

It's a good oil, a potent oil. It has always been a steady seller that we want to keep in stock, but never in 20 years has it lead the list.

Always we have had our organic citrus oils near the top of the list.  Not this time.

Our clients never fail to surprise us!


Sandy Barrett said...

Ravintsara- because this crazy weather has started kicking up the viral "dust" already, so the family is already begging for flu foil variations.

Marge said...

Wouldn't have thought of that! Thank you.